
    About KV

    Kendriya Vidyalaya, Banar was established in 14th November 1987 in the defence sector and located in 19 Field Ammunition Depot campus at banar. The Vidyalaya Management Committee is headed by Commdt. 19FAD. It’s a composite co-educational institute imparting education to children from classes I to XII and affiliated to Central Board of secondary Education(Science stream only).
    The Vidyalaya building developed on morderlines of architecture is itself suggestive of the schools multidimensional approach , sprawling in area of 12 acres. Pleanty of lush green tress embellish the pretty structure . A large play ground enables the students to play games of their choice
    Important milestones of growth:-
    Earlier the vidyalaya was being run in a temporary building with the classes upto X, efforts were being made for the construction of vidyalaya building and as a consequence vidyalaya shifted to its new building in 1988. Second phase of construction of new building is also completed with 9 class rooms and 8 other room.
    Details of previous and new campus:-
    Same campus is being developed with second phase of building construction and play ground.
    Facilities available including games and sports facilities:-
    The Vidyalaya is in possession of spacious play ground of Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Volley ball. The Sports equipments are greatest attraction of the Vidyalaya . Formerly Vidyalaya didn’t have Table tennis as part of sports activity now Vidyalaay on his efforts has acquired well spacious T.T. and Kho-Kho grounds as it’s salient features.